
Sunday, December 15, 2013


WOW how crazy the 2013 holiday season has been and it's not over yet! This month has kept me real busy with creating new art to keep up with stock after doing all the flea markets, Bazaar's, swap meets and other events I have been doing and still have planed for this month.
My greeting cards are so much fun and always make people smile laugh or start up a conversation whenever they see them and my snowflakes were more popular than I thought they were going to be.
Giving books a second life after the holiday season! 
My thumb is raw and peeling from all the thumbtacks I use to hangup snowflakes as part of my holiday display but it always looks so cool when they are up. So far this holiday season I have done 6 events:
Making snowflakes out of recycled beer boxes.

ArtAche at Chop Suey
Punk Rock Flea Market at Belltown Underground
Capitol Hill Art Walk
Back Bar Flea Market at The Crocodile
Holiday Bazar Gnar
plus one today December 15th
Punk Rock Swap Meet at 2 bit Saloon
and still have a couple more events to go before my holiday vending season is over.
Starving Artist on Parade at Highline
Urban Shopping and Cocktails in Tacoma
more events are always posted on my Caps'N'Scraps
facebook page.

I am very excited for the event I have planned on Monday it is at the highline where there will be burlesque, comedy and art. I will have my naughty lil Xmas cards attached to candy canes here and of course more snowflakes. I will have to post a photo of my naughty lil cards with candy canes in another post.

This season has been crazy my jewelry is evolving into what I always had seen it in my head I survived the crazy Punk Rock Flea Market and still work once a week as an agent at the Pike Place Market. It may seem like I have disappeared to some of my friends but I think it is because I have but, once this season is over I'll go back to having a personal life but for right now I am loving every minute of my crazy life!